Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Special update from Spike Hike

Hello penguins!

I've had a secret that I've wanted to share this with everyone for almost a year... Today i can finally show you!

Some of you may have seen me show up occasionally in the Friends list from a place called "My Penguin." A few of you guessed that it may be a secret Club Penguin app on mobile... You were right!

I am exited to tell you  that our new IPad app is coming soon!61f43bb157a9439fb22ed2d.png
The first version of My Penguin will let you play some minigames, shop in the catalogue, and watch videos and more! This app is connected to CP so i streams all of your things. THats not all we will update this app regularly and putting more CP into it.

Until then waddle on!

WOW cool Spike Hike but can you make it for kindle fire too? Please???